Dr. Olga Plakhotnik
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Lehrstuhl für Ukrainische Kulturwissenschaft
Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3, Raum E. 46
17487 Greifswald
2019 Ph.D. in Sociology (with distinction), Open University (UK). Thesis: Imaginaries of Sexual Citizenship in Post-Maidan Ukraine: A Queer Feminist Discourse Analysis
2007 MA in Sociology and Cultural Studies (specialization in Gender Studies, with merit), European Humanities University (Lithuania).
2004 “Candidate of Sciences” in Social Philosophy, National Aerospace University (Ukraine)
1991 Diploma (MA equivalent) cum laude in General Psychology, Kharkiv National University (Ukraine)
March 2022 – now Researcher, Chair for Ukrainian Cultural Studies, University of Greifswald
2020 – 2022 The Bayduza Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies and the Department of Sociology, University of Alberta (Canada)
2019 – 2020 Research Fellow, Center for Cultural-Anthropological Studies (Ukraine)
2009 – 2016 Docent, Philosophy Department, National Aerospace University (Ukraine)
2010 – 2012 Docent, School of Sociology, Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine)
2003 – 2009 Lecturer, Philosophy Department, National Aerospace University (Ukraine)
2003 – 2005 Lecturer, Cultural Studies Department, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture
1993 – 2002 Lecturer, Social Psychology Department, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture
Mayerchyk, M., Plakhotnik, O., & G. Yarmanova (Eds.) (2013). Gender for Media: Textbook for Journalism and Other Socio-Humanities. Kyiv: Krytyka. (Ukr.)
Plakhotnik, O. & O. Maruschenko (2012). Gendered School Stories. Kharkiv: Monograph. (Ukr.)
Journal Articles and Book Chapters (in English)
Plakhotnik, O. (2022). On the Limits of Speakability: Debates on Homonationalism and Sexual Citizenship in Post-Maidan Ukraine, Feral Feminisms 11, 51-68
Plakhotnik, O. & M. Beketova (2022, forthcoming). “For us, about us.” Undisciplined Queer Knowledge Production in Activist Communities – the Ukrainian Case. In K.Aleksander, U.Auga, E.Dvorakk, K.Heft, G.Jähnert, and H. Schimkat (eds.) Feministische Visionen und Perspektiven vor und nach 1989. Provozieren – Einmischen – Gestalten. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, 24 pages.
Plakhotnik, O. & M. Mayerchyk (2021). Uneventful Feminist Protest in Post-Maidan Ukraine: Nation and Colonialism Revisited. In R.Koobak, M.Tlostanova & S. Thapar-Björkert (Eds.), Postcolonial and Postsocialist Dialogues: Intersections, Opacities, Challenges in Feminist Theorizing and Practice (pp.121-137). New York: Routledge https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003003199-11
Plakhotnik, O. & M. Mayerchyk (2019). Between Time of Nation and Feminist Time: Genealogies of Feminist Protest in Ukraine. In A. Bühler-Dietrich (Ed.) Feminist Circulations between East and West / Feministische Zirkulationen zwischen Ost und West (pp.47-70). Berlin: Frank & Timme (Verlag)
Plakhotnik, O. (2017). “Safety” Under the Question: Contesting Competences and Affects in a Feminist Classroom. In E. Just & W. Grahn (Eds.), Theories of Affect and Concepts in Generic Skills Education: Adventurous Encounters (pp. 171–190). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Plakhotnik, O. & M. Mayerchyk (2015). “Ukrainian Feminism at the Crossroad of National, Postcolonial, and (Post)Soviet: Theorizing the Maidan Events 2013-2014”, Krytyka https://krytyka.com/en/community/blogs/ukrainian-feminism-crossroad-national-postcolonial-and-postsoviet-theorizing-maidan
Plakhotnik, O. (2013). Gender Policy and Education in Contemporary Ukraine: Discourses and Controversies. In O. Hankivsky & A. Salnykova (Eds.), Gender, Politics and Society in Ukraine (pp. 225–252). Toronto: University of Toronto Press
Plakhotnik, O. & M. Mayerchyk (2013). “The Radical FEMEN and The New Women’s Activism”. Krytyka https://krytyka.com/en/articles/radical-femen-and-new-womens-activism
Journal Articles and Book Chapters (in Ukrainian or Russian)
Plakhotnik, O. & Mayerchyk, M. (2019). Between Coloniality and Nationalism: Genealogies of Feminist Activisms in Ukraine, Feminist Critique publication online(Ukr.) https://doi.org/10.52323/079441
Plakhotnik, O. (2018). “Troubling Education”, Activism, and Academia: Notes on the Margins of the Useful Book, Feminist Critique 1: 77-93. (Ukr.) https://doi.org/10.52323/165801
Plakhotnik, O. (2014). Queer Pedagogy and Post-Soviet Education: Where is The Exit From Epistemological and Political Deadlock. In A.Kondakov (ed.) On the Crossroads: Methodology, Theory and Practice of LGBT and Queer Studies(pp.359-378), SPb.: Center for Independent Sociological Research. (Rus.)
Plakhotnik, O. (2014). Radical Pedagogies in the Context of "Student-Centred" Teaching of Social Sciences and Humanities, Sociology: theory, methods, marketing 4, 171-186. (Ukr.)
Plakhotnik, O. (2013). Non-heterosexual Families in Ukraine: To Keep Silence – To Talk – To Hope? Krytyka 1-2: 15-17. (Ukr.)
Plakhotnik, O. (2011). Incredible Adventures of Gender Theory in Ukraine, Krytyka 9-10 (167-168), 17-22. (Ukr.)
- Translated into Polish: Olga Płachotnik. 2012. “Niewiarygodne przygody teorii gender na Ukrainie” /trans. into Polish by Mateusz Zalewski. Kultura Enter 44 https://kulturaenter.pl/article/niewiarygodne-przygody-teorii-gender-na-ukrainie/
Plakhotnik, O. and M. Mayerchyk (2010) The Radical FEMEN and The New Women’s Activism. Krytyka 11-12: 7-10. (Ukr.)
- Translated into Polish: Marija Majerczyk, & Olga Płachotnik. 2011. “Radykalny 'Femen' i nowy kobiecy aktywizm” /trans. into Polish by Anna Tylutka. Kultura Enter 33–34 http://kulturaenter.pl/article/radykalny-femen-i-nowy-kobiecy-aktywizm/
- Translated into English: Mariya Majerchyk, Olha Plakhotnik. 2013. “The Radical FEMEN and The New Women’s Activism” /trans. into English by Serhiy Sychov. Krytyka https://krytyka.com/en/articles/radical-femen-and-new-womens-activism
- Translated into Russian: Mayerchyk, Maria and Olga Plakhotnik. 2012. “Phenomenology of FEMEN: Methodological Contradictions.” Sociospace: the interdisciplinary collection of scholarly papers on sociology and social work 3: 24–29.
- Translated into German (summary): Mayerchyk, Maria, Olga Plakhotnik. 2011. “Femen: Analyse der Diskurse,” Gunda Werner Institute http://www.gwi-boell.de/web/europa-nordamerika-internationaler-frauentag-ukraine-femen-mayerchyk-plakhotnik-3768.htm
Plakhotnik, O. (2010). Feminism “By Any Other Name”? Contemporary Ukrainian Philosophy on Sex and Gender, Topos, 3: 93-108. (Rus.)
Plakhotnik, O. (2009). On Institutionalisation of Gender Studies in University Curricula of Contemporary Ukraine, Gendernye Issledovaniya 19: 156-165. (Rus.)
Plakhotnik, O. (2008). The Post-Soviet Feminism: Ukrainian Variant, Gendernye Issledovaniya 17: 183-198. (Rus.)
Plakhotnik, O. (2007). On Marginal Discourses in Education: The Discourse of Corporality, Humanitarian Journal 3: 79-86. (Ukr.)
Plakhotnik, O. (2006). On Marginal Discourses in Education: The Discourse of Sexuality, Humanitarian Journal 1: 93-97. (Ukr.)
Analytic Reports
Plakhotnik, O., R. Jones, P. Keogh, A. Beraia and M. Kvaratskhelia (2021). Education to Support LGBT+ Communities in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine: Analytic Report. The Open University.
(Author, editor and editor of the translation into Russian).
Plakhotnik, O., Danylenko, I., Guslyakova, L. & Sukhomlyn, M. (2009). Gender Equality Through the Students’ Eyes (Research Report). Kharkiv: Rider (Ukr.)
Crawley, S. (2018). Autoethnography as Feminist Self-Interview. Feminist Critique, 1, 46–75. (Translated from English into Ukrainian by Olga Plakhotnik and Maria Mayerchyk). https://doi.org/10.52323/179801
Feminist studies |
Citizenship studies |
Postcolonial and decolonial analysis |
Postsocialism and Eastern Europe |
Anti-oppressive pedagogies |