Plöwen 2010

Deutsch-polnische Nachbarschaft und Tourismus in der Grenzregion
Plöwen ist eine Gemeinde im Landkreis Uecker-Randow im äußersten Südosten Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns. Die Gemeinde wird vom Amt Löcknitz-Penkun mit Sitz in der Gemeinde Löcknitz verwaltet.
Hier trafen sich vom 22.05. bis zum 30.05.10 polnische und deutsche Studenten zur gemeinsamen Feldforschung.
Session I
The first session focuses on tourism as an individual experience. We will discuss how the individual encounters forms of borders and limit and what this means for his/her experiences.
Jamal, T. and H. Kim (2007). "Touristic claim for existential authenticity." Annals of Tourism Research 34(1): 181-201.
Cohen, E. (2004). A Phenomenology of Tourist Experiences. Contemporary Tourism. E. Cohen. Oxford, Elsevier: 65-86.
Trauer, B. and C. Ryan (2005). "Destination image, romance and place experience - an application of intimacy theory in tourism." Tourism Management 26(2005): 481-491.
Individual experiences
Session II
Session two will be dealing with the wider frame of community and tourism. What question of borders and limits do arise in and through tourism encounters?
Abram, S. (1996). Performing Tourism in Rural France. Tourists and Tourism. Identifying People and Places. S. Abram, D. V. L. Macleod and J. Waldren. Oxford, New York, Berg: 29-49.
Löfgren, O. (1994). "Learning to Be a Tourist." Ethnologia Scandinavica 24: 102-125. Tourism encounters
Session III
Session four deals with spatial and temporal borders and border-crossings in tourism
Gelbman, A. and D. J. Timothy (2010). "From hostile boundaries to tourism attractions." Current Issues in Tourism 13(3): 239-259.
Saarinen, K. and T. Kask (2008). "Transforming Tourism Spaces in Changing Socio-Political Contexts: The Case of Parnu, Estonia, as a Tourist Destination." Tourism Geographies 10(4): 452-473.
Light, D. and C. Young (2006). Communist heritage tourism: Between economic development and European integration. Heritage and Media in Europe – contributing towards integration and regional development. D. Hassenpflug, B. Kolbmüller and S. Schröder-Esch. Weimar, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Professur Soziologie und Sozialgeschichte der Stadt. 3: 249-261. Spatiality and temporalities of tourism
Session IV
In session four we will re-think the first three sessions and develop methodological approaches investigate the earlier developed issues
Sheller, M. and J. Urry (2006). "The new mobilities paradigm." Environment and Planning 38: 207-226.
Sowiński, P. (2007). "Wszyscy jesteśmy turystami." Więź August-September(17-22): 17.
Methodology and general remarks
The aim of this workshop is to sketch out the phenomenon of tourism as field of study for the anthropology of borders, limits and frontiers.
We will look at different dimensions of borders:
• internal, individual borders
• borders in tourism communities or encounters
• limits of time and space in tourism destinations.
In the last session we will start to design methodological approaches for the earlier discussed theoretical considerations.